This question haunts many minds: How I can lose belly fat and fast? Though there is no magic formula of exercise and food to reduce those extra pounds with a snap of your fingers but are there are definitely some exercises and habits that can aide to get rid off the fat hanging around the waistline. We have compiled few steps for you to look beautiful and stay healthy in this busy life.
Stubborn fat around the waistline can be very hard to shift. If one looks closely, the youngsters are falling prey to such a lifestyle disease is rapidly growing in numbers because of the sedentary and stressful jobs accompanied with calorie full biscuits and alcohol. Experts believe that the fat deposit around the tummy is linked to serious health issues, including type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease.
Below, we have complied few easy steps that can help you to get rid of those extra pounds fast. From introducing to soluble fibre to protein in your diet you can say bye-bye to belly and say hello to fab abs.
Eat more coconut oil daily
Replace all your cooking oils and ghee at home with coconut oil. Several renowned nutritionists are recommending its customers to use this oil for frying and preparing dishes. Notably, this oil is less carcinogenic than other oils. Studies show that the fats present in coconut oil boost metabolism and decrease the amount of fat you store in response to high-calorie intake.
Eat plenty of soluble fibre

Eat soluble fibre
It also advisable to include soluble fibre in your diet in order to lose belly fat. Soluble fibre such as Avacado will help in weight loss by converting it into a gel with the food, making it easy to consume it. Research shows that such kind of fibre makes one feel fuller for longer, meaning naturally eating less. Foods to eat to increase your soluble fibre intake also include legumes and blackberries.

Get plenty of restful sleep
It is often seen that people who are sleep deprived tend to gain more weight. Health experts believe across the globe have repeatedly said that sleep is the most important factor in your overall health and well-being, especially when it comes to reducing weight. A US bases study revealed that females who slept for less than 4 hours a night were significantly more likely to gain extra pounds around their bellies than those who slept 8 hours or more.
Reduce your stress levels.

Reduce your stress levels
Not only sleep, even stress plays a major role in increasing unwanted fat in the human body. It triggers the release of the stress hormone named cortisol, which in turn increases ones appetite So how do you relieve stress? Well, consistent exercise and meditation work can do wonders for reducing the vascular fat around the waist.